dimanche 19 septembre 2010

Portraits of volunteers (8)

Meeting. Appreciating, loving each other (or not!). Sharing this incredible adventure that is our EVS in Moldova. And returning enriched by all these meetings.

I decided to keep a mark of all these faces through a collection of  portraits and interviews which echos my own questionings. Family portrait.

Zoé, 22 years old, France ( Angers), EVS 9 months

Can you explain what you were doing before Moldova?
I finished a licence about computer

Why did you decide to do an EVS and why in Moldova?
I finished my degree in computer science and I didn't want to continue in that way. So I really needed a break to think about it. I wanted to go abroad and do something more concrete than studies. Moreover EVS is for free. Moldova happened by chance but I wanted a project not too risky. I was not very comfortable in English at the beginning and, even if I would have been interested to work on a project in the cultural field, I was too stressed I think.

What was your project in Moldova ?
I was in an entertainment center for children who come after school. The children are chosen based on social criteria. They receive one meal a day in addition to snack and participate in activities. It was not easy ... we tried, with PO the other volunteer, to organize some things: a theater workshop, a photography workshop, arts and crafts... but it was hard to motivate them and we were alone with the children. It was hard to work together with educators.

What will you do when you will be back ? This EVS changed something about your plans for the future?
I came to think about my future and so, yes, that EVS has helped me about that. In particular thanks to the theater workshop that I led at the French alliance, in addition to my entertainment center project. I realised that I was really interrested in the cultural field.
If I am accepted, I will do a Master of Cultural Engineering, scientific option because I have a scientific background.
What are your dreams for your future?
(laughs) I would like to lead a theater workshop...and work in the cultural field, manage a small auditorium, a cabaret...

What will you remember from this experience ?
It made me more open minded, it teaches how to adapt yourself to different people, different culture, to live in community ... About Moldova, Let's say that I am at the end of my stay here ( when I did the interview) and I've had it up to here a bit so it may not be positive what I think ... Even if people are very welcoming, it's really a different culture and it can get tiring ...

Natasha, 20 years old, Germany ( Lauterbach ), SVE 11 months

Can you explain what you were doing before Moldova?
I finished highschool.

Why did you decide to do an EVS and why in Moldova?
I wanted to have a break between school and going to university and to do something useful for other people and to go abroad to meet new people. The plan was to go to eastern Europa and Moldova just happened. I had a good feeling about Moldova (laughts)...

What was your project in Moldova ?
First, I worked with diseable children. After that in an animation center and now I'm helping in a medical center for diseable children. I played with the children, I did some arts and handycrafts, I tried to teach english... not always worked well (laughts) and also helped with transportation of the children.

What will you do when you will be back ? This EVS changed something about your plans for the future?
I will go to University and study economics ans hopefuly combined with eastern european studies and continue my russian studies.

What are your dreams for your future?
(laughts) First travel like everyone of the volunteers and hopefuly living also abroad and continue visiting the friends I met here!

What will you remember from this experience ?
Life in a city, the first time. And being alone away from the family and just being independant and do whatever you want to do for the first time, go wherever, whenever...
And Chisinau, definitly... with all the sovietic buildings, and trolleybus, and microbus and also the countryside, the hospitality of the moldovan people...good wine, good food...

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