jeudi 1 juillet 2010

Portraits of volunteers (10)

Meeting. Appreciating, loving each other (or not!). Sharing this incredible adventure that is our EVS in Moldova. And returning enriched by all these meetings.

I decided to keep a mark of all these faces through a collection of  portraits and interviews which echos my own questionings. Family portrait.

Suzanne, 19 years old, Belgium (Liere), 10 month EVS

Can you explain what you were doing before Moldova?

I just finished high school.

Why did you decide to do an EVS, especially in Moldova?

In fact, I wanted to do that since I was maybe 13 years old: go abroad after high school. Two years ago, I looked up for possibilities. First, I wanted to do AFS, and study year again but in another country, but then I thought I would be bored to go again to school. And I realized EVS was ideal because it's different than what I was doing, plus it's financially good. I looked up for projects and found one that seemed interesting in Moldova. I thought why not Moldova, I don't know anything about it, but it can be very interesting because it's very different. And mysterious.

What was your project in Moldova ?

My project was called "Associaţia motivaţie din Moldova": it's an association that works with youth, children and young adults with disabilities, especially physical disabilities. They have different programs during the year, in which I help.

What will you do when you will be back? Has this EVS changed something in your plans for the future?

First, I'll have some holidays. Then, I'll start studying at university, probably civil engineering if I realize that it's my thing. Otherwise I'll change to something better: you never know in advance what it will be, and if you'll like it.

What are your dreams for your future?

I just want to stay as happy as I am now. I want to travel a lot, that's really a big thing in my life. I'm interested in the all world, so I'll travel as much as I can. Hopefully, I find a good job to be able to travel a lot. Travel with my job could also be nice. I can't say I have exact dreams: my dreams come when they get real. Before, my dream was to do an EVS and it became true.

What will you remember from this experience ?

I will remember a lot. I will remember that I really had a good project, which is not the case for everybody. I will always remember the association and I will also keep in touch with them because I become their international coordinating volunteer, meaning I will try to organize some projects with other volunteers, or find extra support.
I will definitely remember the other volunteers and the great year I had with my flat mates. The travels and all the great fun we had. I'll look at this year positively because I learned a lot. I have to say that it was the best year in my life. It's sad that it's ending, but it's also normal otherwise you get used to it, which is not a real future. 

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